Laith’s Pride Laith’s Pride includes Laith, Labwa and Marion! These three beautiful lions were brought toAl-Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife following a rescue mission by Four Paws in Gaza in 2019. There was an attempt to integrate this pride with another lion pride of...
Pablo’s Pride Pablo’s Pride is made up of Pablo, Layla and Dohal. Layla and Dohal were found being soldonline. After a major undercover investigation by the environment police, with theassistance of the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature, these beautiful...
Beautiful Balou! Balou will be turning 20 years old this year! He is very healthy, but with hisage, he enjoys quieter, more peaceful days lately. This usually includes relaxing under hisfavourite...
Since Balou and Lula’s integration in the summer of 2020, their relationship has continuedto strengthen and blossom! They can often be found roaming around their beautiful hometogether after swimming and playing together in their pool! Balou is still a charming...
Rocket is an albino raccoon who was rescued from the illegal trade in Qatar and wasrelocated to Al-Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife towards the end of 2019. Albinism is causedby a lack of melanin which results in white skin, hair and eyes. As an albino animal, hischances...